Thursday, September 19, 2024



Ghana Health Service and Partners conduct First Round Poilo Immunization Campaign in 6 Districts in the Northern … – WHO | Regional Office for Africa

Following confirmation of circulating vaccine derived polio virus type 2 (cVDPV2) in the environmental sample from Tamale Metropolis and also detection of Polio in a two (2) years, (9) nine months old child from Chereponi district of the North East Region, the Ministry of Health /Ghana Health Service declared the event a Public Health Emergency of National Concern.  Again on 25th August 2019, the National Polio Laboratory further notified the Ghana Health Service of confirmation of Polio in environmental surveillance sample taken from a drain at Agbogbloshie in Accra Metropolis in...

Protecting every child in Nigeria from poliovirus | WHO | Regional Office for Africa – WHO | Regional Office for Africa

Minna, 23 August, 2023 - In the remote Nigerian village of Bororo-Kambari, five-year-old Fati Isah and her two siblings are lining up with other children their age and younger, preparing to be vaccinated against polio. “My mother says immunization is important and we should receive the vaccine,” she says proudly.In their village, located in Katcha Local Government Area (LGA) in Niger state in north-central Nigeria, 2 509 687 children benefited from an 18-day mass vaccination campaign, which ended on 16August 2023, to boost their immunity against Circulating Variant Poliovirus (cVPV2).This...
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