Friday, September 20, 2024

Registration is now open for the World Health Innovation Forum on 14-16 November 2023 – World Health Organization (WHO)


The World Health Innovation Forum will be held from 14 to 16 November 2023 in Visakhapatnam, India. It will be organized and hosted by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Innovation – Kalam Institute of Health Technology, in Vizag, India, in collaboration with The Innovation Hub of the World Health Organization (WHO). 
The Kalam Institute of Health Technology (KIHT), the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Innovations, aims to encourage and scale global health innovations. 
The event will bring together stakeholders from government and WHO member states, academia, start-up accelerators, innovation funders, champions, and key players in the innovation value chain to address unresolved challenges and questions related to public sector uptake and scaling of innovations, including procurement, funding, and assessment of different types of innovations. 
The forum will take place over three days and will include the launch of the Call to Action on Advancing Public Sector Scale-Up of Health Innovations, a guide to all actors in the ecosystem on how to partner effectively with governments to leverage innovations to accelerate impact in public health.   
The event will feature an innovation demonstration expo, country booths, and global best practices on procurement of innovations, providing a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer learning across public sector actors and engagement of other stakeholders from around the world.  Thematic areas to be highlighted during the event will include areas such as the selection, assessment, procurement, and impact measurement of innovations, innovation in e-health, digital health, telemedicine, and innovation in democratizing healthcare.  
Join the World Health Innovation Forum, from 14 to 16 November 2023 at the Kalam Convention Centre in Visakhapatnam, India. You can find more information and registration in this website.  
For any queries, please contact Mr Ravi Vital, Chief Operating Officer at the WHO Collaborating Centre (  


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