Thursday, September 19, 2024

MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Updates from campus: Read messages from MIT’s leaders regarding recent events on campus, sharing relevant policies, and correcting misinformation.
Senior Kwesi Afrifa hails from Accra, Ghana, where he observed aspects of urban life that could be more efficient. Now pursuing an interdisciplinary major in urban planning and computer science, he hopes to create software tools for city planners.
Via @sloanstudentlife on Instagram: “Happy New Year from the Student Life Office! Here are some 2023 highlights from the SLO! Cheers to 2024 and another amazing year with some spectacular Sloanies”
A new study has found that a planetary atmosphere low in carbon dioxide could be a sign of water and life. Astronomers say that this low carbon abundance, which the James Webb Space Telescope can detect, could be a signature of habitability.
“Students are more aware than ever that climate change is going to dominate their lives,” says DUSP’s David Hsu, who examines how people and cities can take action locally. “I want students to look back with satisfaction that they helped society.”
Carlo Ratti has been named curator of the 2025 Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition. The professor of the practice and innovative scholar of urban design and dynamics will oversee the leading global showcase for architectural work.
Researchers used AI to find new antibiotics that can combat drug-resistant bacteria. Felix Wong told New Scientist: “Our models tell us not only which compounds have selective antibiotic activity, but also why, in terms of their chemical structure.”
Things got “WILD!” in Kresge Auditorium this week: That’s the theme of this year’s 2.009 (Product Engineering Processes) senior capstone course. It also describes the energy of the capacity crowd at the course’s annual product prototype launch event.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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